Made in Denmark
¥1,530,000 (¥1,683,000 税込)
Vilhelm Lauritzen はデンマーク人の建築家で、デンマーク建築史における最も重要な建築家の一人とされています。 デンマーク機能主義建築の先駆者として、ラジオハウスやモダニズム建築の傑作である1939年竣工のコペンハーゲン空港など、多くの名作を手がけました。彼はヨーロッパの近代主義建築の象徴とも言われていました。
Vilhelm Lauritzen is a Danish architect. He is one of the most impor tant architects in the history of Danish architecture and is considered a pioneer of Danish functionalist archi tecture. He i s respons ibl e for many master pieces of moder nis t archi tecture, including Radio House and Terminal 39 at Copenhagen Airport. He is considered the symbol of modernism in European architecture. His philosophy, “there is no life without aesthetics” is widely known. This is a chair that was actually used in the Radio House designed by VL. At that time, his works were mainly used in the buildings he designed and were rarely sold commercially.